System Status

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USPS Tracking Issue

Incident Report for


On January 12, 2024, the United States Postal Service identified a subset of shipments incorrectly flagged as unpaid. The USPS tracking pages for these shipments displayed a message saying that the packages were identified as fraudulent and could be seized.

The USPS has undertaken efforts to remove this messaging from tracking pages and to release incorrectly flagged packages for delivery. Any incorrect messages remaining on tracking pages will be removed in the coming days.
Posted Jan 19, 2024 - 14:56 PST


We are still in in communication with USPS regarding reports of some tracking numbers on the USPS website being displayed as "counterfeit" postage. We are working with the USPS to resolve this issue and ensure that all proper and valid packages are delivered to customers.
Posted Jan 17, 2024 - 12:17 PST
This incident affected: Online (Printing Postage Using a Web Browser) and API (SWS/Web Services).